Sunday, 8 August 2010

Autumn arrives early

Ah, what did I expect from classic British summertime? Today, like many before it this season and I most certainly foresee several after, has been decidedly un-summery. No blistering heat nor blazing sun; no dash to the seaside nor decent bronzing opportunity, but an overcast sky and chilly breeze.
Yet, this time, we decided not to deny the grumpy climate but to welcome it as an early wave of autumnal weather, and our evening meal followed suit.Hence, I sit with a heavy, happy stomach satisfied by Toad-in-the-Hole, which my older sister made in quest of learning to cook before returning to University, and my homemade crumble for pudding.

Whereas Toad. may be a little long-winded for under-graduates to manage in their cramped, campus kitchens (although which young adult doesn't like sausages?...and batter??), crumble is a simple-staple that should exist in every student's cooking repertoire- a quality pud that never ceases to please. I used a recipe by Sophie Dahl, from her debut cookery book Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights, which uses spelt flour and porridge oats in the topping. The oats give the crust an interesting texture and using dark brown sugar adds a musky sweetness. The fruits that stewed beneath this were partly the takings of a recent raid on my friend Chloe's apple tree, as well as small dollops here-and-there of homemade blackcurrant jam.
Overall, I'm pleased to say that the combination worked wonderfully, and the great thing about crumble is that almost any fruit can be used (except, although I have never tried but would advise against, oranges and bananas).

Not to say that I am yet sick of strawberries and cream, but both of these oven-baked dishes have got me nice and excited about next season!

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